Denise Schatz, Vessels Enduring Pathos (Pink), 2022

Denise Schatz, Vessels Enduring Pathos (Pink), 2022


Denise Schatz
Vessels Enduring Pathos (Pink), 2022
Pencil, watercolor, gouache and ink
14 x 10 inches


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Denise Schatz was born in Los Angeles, CA and lives in New York, NY. She earned an MFA and BFA from Hunter College in New York, NY, and a BA from San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA. She began the small press Miniature Garden in 2008, with a focus on collaborative and individual artist books. Miniature Garden publications have been exhibited widely through Printed Matter and international art book fairs. Her recent drawings and paintings elaborate on the residual waste of the human psyche and its strange entanglements.